From the collection of Dr. P. Vogl, ex Aufhäuser 7, 9 October 1990, 461
Los 723
CILICIA. Antiochia ad Cragum. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Hemiassarion (Bronze, 15 mm, 3.63 g, 1 h). ΑΥ ΚΑ ΑΝΤωΝЄΙΝΟС Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. ANTIO ΠAPAΛ Dionysos standing front, head to left, holding kantharos in his right hand and filleted thyrsos in his left; at feet to left, forepart of panther left, raising right forepaw and looking back. RPC IV online 10269 (this coin). Apparently unique. Very fine.

From the collection of Dr. P. Vogl, ex Aufhäuser 7, 9 October 1990, 461 (with collector's ticket).

[ΤΗС] ΠΑΡΑΛ[ΙΟΥ] translates as 'on the Sea', an epithet that differentiates the city we know by its Latin name Antiochia ad Cragum ('Antiochia at the Kragos mountain') from the several other places named Antiochia.
50 CHF
140 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 29-Jun-19, 21:01:30 CEST
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